Friday, October 30, 2009

Bed Were Made To Be Slept On

There are people in my res that are constantly sleeping in the common room and I've never understood how they did it, so I thought I should give it a try.

Boy- oh boy was it an experience.... It was by far the most uncomfortable thing I've ever done. I jumped around from sofa to sofa trying to find one that would be comfortable for like 10minutes. Then I spent another 10minutes trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in which i never did quite find! By the time I found myself dozing off, someone would come in making a racket which just aggravated my discomfort. When I eventually did fall asleep, i wake up in a very bad mood which is not like me at all.

My neck hurt, my right arm had gone numb and my butt felt like I had been sleeping on a rock! Need I say anymore, I'm glad I tried it but I wont be doing it again anytime soon after all sleep is about comfort and waking up feeling better than you were! All in all i realised that beds were mad for a reason!!!

"Coconuts make a stylish doormat"

Before I left res, I thought to myself that it was going to be an interesting night, in an environment surrounded by white people but wasn't completely sure as to whether myself and my friends would fit in and not feel uncomfortable. The minute I arrived, all prejudice ideologies disappeared! Many of the white folks were welcoming and were actually excited to see us but then as the night went by I realised all my acts were classified as being a typical coconut. The African girls who would walk by would question me and tell me that I'm lost and that this is no longer High School where we are forced to interact with the white people. That little statement got to me but as I looked at the crowd I saw no colour but just varsity students having fun and enjoying themselves. From time to time I couldn't relate to the music but regardless of the beat or melody I Danced the night away.Frier's is simply the best!

Wired Jounalists
Goat files blog impressed me a lot, this group showed much participation in their writing of which helped build the audience they have. Each writer of the blog valued their editorial judgement that enhanced for them to eventually share their own individual pieces. The blog provides the audience with a sense of urgency. The blog consists of information that is useful to the reader. The content of the blog is new in the level of a playing field environment where everyone has the same constraints. One gets the impression that the blog has become second nature to the writers; there are posts that are constantly updated with new information. Like any other tool the writers have made their blog useful. The blog shares resources and one is able to keep up with what’s going on. But some posts are not very satisfying for anything other than the blog being a one way communication. The blog headlines attract people to their blog. The writing is direct and tells a potential reader about each post. Some journalists have killer headlines but the content of the story is not strong enough. There are few posts that could stir up some controversy; some writers are very moronic they have some sort of dare to incite a little annoyance. The blog is short of specifics, the blog seems to be stuck on several versions. Other than that goat files is a very catchy blog!
By Nicole Young

Yellow Brick Lost...

I was instantly drawn to Yellow Brick Rhodes and appreciated the play on the word road as well as the witty originality in the blogs name. With that impression in mind I high expectations of greater wit to come but unfortunately the wit started and ended in the blogs name. Even so I still enjoyed its content, although I felt it waved in relevance to the name because I expected a greater focus on Rhode and the road people take at Rhodes. They did however have blogs on things relevant to Rhodes like the ROAR article and picture. I like the fact that each upload had some sort of follow up- ROAR member picture was followed with an blog entry as well as the Malema blog entry which was followed by the blog entitled Mbeki a bad example: Melema/ Times live Multimedia hyperlink. The appearance of the blog didn’t relate with the title or the blog itself which was rather disappointing. The blog does appeal to the interest of journalism student- Rhodes journalism students more so but journalism student none the less which is what it was aimed to do in the first place. It was not the best blog out of the bunch but also far from being the worst blog!

Slamming on my guitar!

Fun, liberating, exciting and out of this world! I have always wanted to learn how to play the guitar and this past weekend my dreams were finally implemented! Let me break it down for you!

So I was walking past a friend's room on Saturday afternoon, when I heard a very rhythmic beat being played on the guitar. I told them that I would like to learn how to play the guitar and friend Duncan's exact words were "shweeet man!” So he first played a tune and I listened carefully to how the pros do their thing. Then I was taught the basics; I was taught how to hold the guitar. Everything has to be done in an intricate way from holding the guitar to pressure your fingers have to apply on the strings. I then advanced and learned how to play the “E” and the “E-minor” as well as the “A” and “A-minor”! Now for the icing on the cake, my friend and I created a song!

It was fantastic experience because it allowed me to escape from the mundane. I felt free and at that moment I realised that we are in charge of our own happiness. This experience has opened a new chapter in my life; I have new dreams and a vision on how to attain those dreams. I have decided to take guitar lessons from my friend Duncan at least once a week, hopefully by the end of next year I will be a true rock star!

#rublogs So you want to know if i can play guitar? Check out http://www.battleofthesexez...

Revolutionary Review

For the first time in my life I read a blog that evoked so much emotion in me that I almost cried in the Jac Labs. I could identify with the bloggers, and there was one particular blogger who made me realise that there is a bigger picture in all the journalism assignments we have been doing. For the first time I saw how our work as journalism 1 students can aid us to communicate thoughts and ideas that may be life changing to others. This journalism student spoke bravely about her highs and lows in her life. She disclosed personal issues such as drug abuse and suicidal thoughts that have a lot of relevance to many individuals at Rhodes University.

Revolution readers is a blog about young individuals who are unafraid to go where others have gone. They write about issues of African hair to personal issues which they undergo on a day to day basis. The background on their blog is appealing in terms of colour and patterns. Their pictures definitely match their name, because they have pictures of revolutionary writers such as Steven Bantu Biko, who inspired revolutionary readers. Most of all they manage to write intellectually and critically on issues which we are afraid to tackle even in our daily conversations with friends.

It was absolutely refreshing for me to read a blog that was sophisticated in writing, opened up the bloggers deepest and most challenging experiences while still appealing to a mass audience. I think it is a wonderful motivational blog to read, especially during exam time when most students are going through depression and suicidal thoughts, this blog can save a person’s life. An amazing blog with a lot of potential to expand even further, because I find that only one person engages the reader with their personal experiences. The bloggers can afford to have an identifiable identity. Overall, awesome stuff!

#rublogs Do you consider yourself part of the revolutionary age? Check out a review on http://www.battleofthesexez...

Monday, October 26, 2009

No Such Thing As Normal

Society has this need or want to control everything and place everything into categorises or boxes and as soon as you don’t fit into the prescribed categorises or boxes that’s not “normal” and there is something wrong with you.
But how do we know if something is normal or not, who dictates this- society? We make up society surely because we are all differ; we will have different views as to what is normal which makes normal something subjective so in fact there is nothing that is “normal” pre-say if normal is different for everyone. Yet people base a number of their agreements on issues like that of homosexuality on the fact that it is not “normal”.
If society could accept and recognise the fact that nothing is really normal there would be fewer bases for discrimination or judgement. There would be greater bases for unity and harmony in society.