Friday, October 30, 2009

Slamming on my guitar!

Fun, liberating, exciting and out of this world! I have always wanted to learn how to play the guitar and this past weekend my dreams were finally implemented! Let me break it down for you!

So I was walking past a friend's room on Saturday afternoon, when I heard a very rhythmic beat being played on the guitar. I told them that I would like to learn how to play the guitar and friend Duncan's exact words were "shweeet man!” So he first played a tune and I listened carefully to how the pros do their thing. Then I was taught the basics; I was taught how to hold the guitar. Everything has to be done in an intricate way from holding the guitar to pressure your fingers have to apply on the strings. I then advanced and learned how to play the “E” and the “E-minor” as well as the “A” and “A-minor”! Now for the icing on the cake, my friend and I created a song!

It was fantastic experience because it allowed me to escape from the mundane. I felt free and at that moment I realised that we are in charge of our own happiness. This experience has opened a new chapter in my life; I have new dreams and a vision on how to attain those dreams. I have decided to take guitar lessons from my friend Duncan at least once a week, hopefully by the end of next year I will be a true rock star!

#rublogs So you want to know if i can play guitar? Check out http://www.battleofthesexez...

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