Monday, October 26, 2009

Trying to make a revolutionary change

Zuma has just shocked the whole nation with his latest statement about “The ANC vowing no protection for comrades implicated for corruption”. It’s amazing how our president is trying to fight something that he alone was once almost convicted for. It makes me wonder how the decision will be capable of making a difference to the current situation our country is facing. These corrupt politicians have made the poor people poorer and have stripped them of their rights. Our nation’s peoples have been blindly at loggerheads over the officials self-pleasing and sly enrichment escapades which have been kept in the shadows and now the immoral self-serving laws are being exposed? For the past fifteen years our country had carried a roman attitude enforced by the corrupt government and the refusal to admit to corruption makes it hard to believe that comrades will no longer protect one another. Meaning there will be no politicians left in parliament... Another point is that politicians tend to forget that, our democracy is based on people’s interests and not the party’s interests. If this principal of morality is not applied without any form of unfair compromises, then all roads lead towards observers who will take amusement in the coming to look upon the ruins of a potentially wonderful country that had been given an opportunity to be a shining example to be the civilized world.

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