Friday, October 30, 2009

Revolutionary Review

For the first time in my life I read a blog that evoked so much emotion in me that I almost cried in the Jac Labs. I could identify with the bloggers, and there was one particular blogger who made me realise that there is a bigger picture in all the journalism assignments we have been doing. For the first time I saw how our work as journalism 1 students can aid us to communicate thoughts and ideas that may be life changing to others. This journalism student spoke bravely about her highs and lows in her life. She disclosed personal issues such as drug abuse and suicidal thoughts that have a lot of relevance to many individuals at Rhodes University.

Revolution readers is a blog about young individuals who are unafraid to go where others have gone. They write about issues of African hair to personal issues which they undergo on a day to day basis. The background on their blog is appealing in terms of colour and patterns. Their pictures definitely match their name, because they have pictures of revolutionary writers such as Steven Bantu Biko, who inspired revolutionary readers. Most of all they manage to write intellectually and critically on issues which we are afraid to tackle even in our daily conversations with friends.

It was absolutely refreshing for me to read a blog that was sophisticated in writing, opened up the bloggers deepest and most challenging experiences while still appealing to a mass audience. I think it is a wonderful motivational blog to read, especially during exam time when most students are going through depression and suicidal thoughts, this blog can save a person’s life. An amazing blog with a lot of potential to expand even further, because I find that only one person engages the reader with their personal experiences. The bloggers can afford to have an identifiable identity. Overall, awesome stuff!

#rublogs Do you consider yourself part of the revolutionary age? Check out a review on http://www.battleofthesexez...

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